Good news, everyone! Joy of the Pen is open for submissions on Saturday, September 7. The Cryer, Friends of the Topsham Public Library, Just Write Books and the TPL Teen Room are all joining us again as sponsors! Please share this poster far and wide!
Author: Emma
Winners’ work and other website details updated
You can now read the winners’ work on the front page of this journal:
This year’s judges bios can be found here.
This year’s entrants can be found here.
Thank you to everyone who came to the reception on Saturday and made it such a wonderful event. My special thanks to:
Everyone who entered the competition.
Charles Crosby and the Cryer for sponsoring our named awards and speaking at the reception.
Nancy Randolph and Just Write Books for sponsoring the Maine Nonfiction Award.
Our judges this year: Dana Cary, Laufey, John Leggett, Nancy Randolph and Diane Waterhouse.
The Friends of the Public Library, especially Melissa Hoy, Mathea Hoy and Ruth Mlotek for their help.
The staff at Topsham Public Library.
Congratulations to all the winners!
Winners have been notified. Reception is next week!
Thank you so much to all entrants for entering the Joy of the Pen this year. Our judges have given their decision and all of the winners and honorable mentions have been contacted. If you are one of those winners, congratulations! If you are not then we are extremely thankful for you taking part. I would like to invite everyone to come and hang out with us on Saturday, November 17th at 1pm for the reception.
Joy of the Pen 2018 Flyers
It’s Nearly Time!
Submissions for Joy of the Pen will be opening this Saturday! Hope you can join us again this year! We now have two teen categories: Teen Poetry and Teen Fiction!
Website Updated!
Hi everyone,
Just to let you know that the Journal has been updated to show this year’s winners’ work! There are also new items in the gallery!
Thank you to everyone who came to the reception today and made it such a wonderful event. My special thanks to:
Everyone who entered the competition
Charles Crosby and the Cryer for sponsoring our named awards and speaking at the reception today
Nancy Randolph and Just Write Books for sponsoring the Maine Nonfiction Award
Linda Baker for presenting the Maine Nonfiction Award today
Our judges this year: Shannon Bowring, Peter N. Dudar, Laufey and Helene McGlauflin
The Friends of the Public Library, especially Melissa Hoy, Mathea Hoy and Ruth Mlotek for their help
The staff at Topsham Public Library
Congratulations to all the winners!
Watch this space–the winner’s work will be posted soon and there will also be photos and an article in The Cryer!
The Results Are In!
Thank you so much to all entrants for entering the Joy of the Pen this year. Our judges have given their decision and all of the winners and honorable mentions have been contacted. If you are one of those winners, congratulations! If you are not then we would highly recommend that you enter the competition next year (submissions open in September). I would like to invite everyone to come and hang out with us on Saturday, November 18th at 1pm for the reception.
Judges deadline approaching!
Our judges’ deadline is on the 11th! Once we get all the results in, we will notify all participants whether they have placed or not. In the meantime, here are some posters for the Reception. Please share far and wide! All are welcome–come and celebrate with us!
Joy of the Pen 2017 reception poster